The enterprise value-to-revenue multiple (EV/R) is a measure of the value of a stock that compares a company's enterprise value to its revenue. EV/R is one of several fundamental indicators that investors use to determine whether a stock is priced fairly. The EV/R multiple is also often used to determine a company's valuation in the case of a potential acquisition. It’s also called the enterprise value-to-sales multiple.
How to Calculate Enterprise-Value-to-Revenue Multiple (EV/R)
The enterprise value-to-revenue (EV/R) is easily calculated by taking the enterprise value of the company and dividing it by the company's revenue.
EV/R = Enterprise Value / Revenue
Enterprise Value = MC + D − CC
MC = Market capitalization
D = Debt
CC = Cash and cash equivalents
Source: Investopedia, Enterprise-Value-to-Revenue Multiple (EV/R): Definition, accessed 25 December 2023, <>